Tuesday, March 30, 2010


It's time to tear shit up...
Some of my parts showed up for the sporty.

Turn signal???

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Didn't know we hired a dude to cut the tree down...

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Part time dirt slayer

Going with a dirt track theme for my sporty. Tires come soon...which means one more big fat burnout...maybe I'll post a video...stay tuned

1935 Indy Car

In my mind...the coolest car at World of Wheels.

Oh so close

"Runs good and drives great"......no..not so much. We about drove the thing into a ditch because of shitty brakes and a steering wheel that wasn't bolted down. Whoever put the gear driver on the motor failed...cam shaft was floating. Damn near bought the thing..buuuut...dude wanted WAY too much for it.

Rough now, Rad later

My 1950 Ford Business Coupe. This car came with all the parts. Even the original flathead V8. Hoping to start on it soon.

Gary Fisher, where is he? I dont know, I dont know!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Not on your local radio station

My friend Shawn "Fro Daddy" Meockly introduced me to this band a few years ago. Every Time I Die is the name of the group. If you're into screamo bands, you must check them out.

After work today...

This is what I found when I cleaned out the car...full pack of gum..nice
This nice weather is making me thirsty...

Couldn't find a paint mixer....my die grinder wrench worked just fine.

Thinking about making the pinstriping line thicker...


Sunday, March 14, 2010


Weather is nice...time for some spring cleaning.

Shut the fuck up Donny!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Ken Howard Hates You

This dude did it all. Metal fabricator, painter, pinstriper, built guns and knifes. He didn't care about money or the fame, he did it for the love of it. "I make a point of staying right at the edge of poverty. I don't have a pair of pants without a hole in them, and the only pair of boots I have are on my feet. I don't mess around with unnecessary stuff, so I don't need much money. I believe it's meant to be that way. There's a 'struggle' you have to go through, and if you make a lot of money it doesn't make the 'struggle' go away. It just makes it more complicated. If you keep poor, the struggle is simple. " "If I had my way I'd be a gunsmith! I like to make things out of metal, because metal is forever. When you paint something, how long does it last? A few years, and then it's gone!" He even lived in that bus...in the rear was his living quarters..the rest of it was a machine shop...bluing tank, metal lathe..along with metal shavings, cigarette buts, and beer cans.

Blue Squirrel Hair

Time to learn.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Mullet Monday

Send me your personal photos of mullets you find out on the streets. I'll post them every monday.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Down the road

Do yourself a favor and stop playing this song at the bars....it's a great song, but hearing it 3 million times in a night gets real lame.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Greaserama 09

Only problem with this place....no Pabst Blue Ribbon...lame
Pink is a ladies man...

This was my first hot rod show. Drove down in Pink's 29 Chevy coupe...my back started hurting after about 40 miles, but it was worth it. Got to meet a lot of cool people that weekend.