Monday, November 21, 2011

An afternoon with Cole Hastings.

Good time on a Sunday afternoon at Bluff Creek OHV riding park. $3000 of camera gear in my back pack and climbing hills....sketchy.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Checking In: Don, the dude who bought my flathead.

Got a few medical problems and going thru a bunch of tests recently. Just got back from Iowa City clinics today.  May be next spring before I get the shop straighted up.    If ya still have them I'll give ya 50 bucks cash for the radiator and tranny. 
Here's what your block looks like today. (its not far from being done)

 I also told him my father bought a '57 Chevy pickup. Here is what he had to say:
'57 pickups are nice stuff.  I had a '58 or 9 years ago. Stock 283 mill with factory overdrive. I loved it. Sold it when I moved here in '79.
See if I can find a pic.        HERE 'TIZ
 Get well soon, Don.